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Universe4k Tools

Universe4k Tools



still in development
ActiveList re-formats the memberlist and its offline times, so that you can paste it into a forum as a table. All offline-time that are over 24h, will be colored red.

The BuildingStats are of particular interest for those, that are in possesion of a huge number of planets, as well as for anyone who's interested in the average-values of his planets.
The tool evaluates the overview.
Output data consists of:
The output will be formated and colored for pasting it into the forum.

still in development
The CRParser wipes unnecessary data from battle-reports, and calculates various valuable date, lieke
Additional features are the coloring of the ship-values, as well as the CCK- and point-values in the corresponding color of the affected side.
Inte Gain / Loss calculation, gain is emphasized green, and loss red.
You can post several blattle reports in one sweep. Every battle report is evaluated and displayed on its own. A table with total ressources will be shown below all combat reports, when more that one is entered. This table shows the summed up losses and gains of all combat-reports.
The output is available as BB-Code, that appears right below the evaluation, that you can paste into a forum.
It makes it clearly aranged and easier to read those values.
Available with or without HTML-Tables, to suit any forum.

Due to technical problems, the CRParser is only capable of evaluating more than one combat report at a time, if the combat details are not shown.

still in development
The FleetCounter calculates how much you know about the opponents fleet.
It calculates the maximum ammount of Cougar , Longeagle v, Longeagle x and Sentih, respectively.
Your remaining points are displayed as well.

The H2Optimizer calculates the highest possible level of the chemiacl plant, per planet, so that a positive water production is preserved. You need to paste all of the data from the overview into the appropriate input-field! The tool shows you what drilling rig you have, and how much you need to upgrade it, in case you have a negative production value, to get a positive one again.
Everything it will be colored, according to relation between possible level and current level.
Those colors will be re-coded for the forum-code version, of course.

still in development
The InterceptCalc calculates the exact time when the enemy fleet will return to its planet, and when your fleet has to be started, in order to arrive at the enemys planes exactly one second after the enemy has arrived.
The calculation consists of your estimated time of arrival to the enemy, and the attack-message.

The OverflowCounter displayes the unsave resources and the storage you have for each planet in a simple table.
The output is colored and rendered for forums.

The ProdCalc calculates what your total production in 1 hour and in 24 hours, respectively is.
The output is colored, output for pasting into forums is colored as well.

The ResearchCutter processes the data from the research overview, that you see InGame. It filters out all unnecessary descriptions, leaving just the names of the research-type and the current level (green).
A note appeard in case you lack any requirements for a specific research-type.
The output will be available as HTML-Tables, colored for forums.

still in development
This tool is handy for anyone who wants to know his total farming-values.
To calculate, paste the reports of your returning fleets into the appropriate box. The resources will be summed up and displayes as total value.
Code for forums is also available.

This tool is interesting for anyone likes to know the current values of his Longeagle-Vs, Longeagle-Xs and Sentihs.
Just copy-paste the whole Research-Table that you see in-game, when you click on the Menu-Item "Research".
The tool tells you the attack index, the defense index, the cargo capacity and the speed of your Longeagle V, Longeagle X and Sentih.
If you cannot build Longeagle Vs, Longeagle Xs or Sentihs yet, the tool will tell you, what research you need, to be able to build them.
Formatting for forums is also available again.

The SpyParser evaluates Espionage reports that contain information about the enemys infrastructure.
The tool calculates the following Data:
I've wasted no time on pepping-up this tool with a nice little treat.
You might see valuable hidden infos, from time to time.
However, I won't tell when or how you'll get them.
Formatting is handled like in the tools above.

The UnitsProdCounter calculates how many ships and towers of each kind you can build on each planet, and tells you the time it will take to be finished with your current shipyard.
A message will appear, if there's no shipyard on a planet.

No pasted data is stored online.

Feel free to make any kind of suggestions for those tools in the forum or contact Segaja directly.

Because I virtually never sleep, I'm working on those tools almost 24/7. Therefor you may encounter malfunctions at any time of day. Those malfunctions should seize within one hour. If those problems persist for a longer period, contact Segaja.